Public toilets for shopping centres

Self-cleaning hygienic solutions for highly frequented locations

Whether on weekdays or weekends, many people enjoy shopping and spending their leisure time in shopping centres.
Being such busy places, many people may feel less inclined and safer using public toilets within such shopping areas.
PTMatic's self-cleaning public toilets ensure the best possible hygiene for every user, thanks to a patented system that washes and dries the surface of the bowl and floor after each use.
Thanks to the self-cleaning technology, public toilets made by PTMatic become a clean, safe and pleasant place to use. 

Contact us now for more information or see our products.

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Do you have any questions about our products, or do you already know what you need?
Get in touch with us and let's plan together.

Toilitech is a brand of PTMatic srl

PTMatic S.r.l.

Indirizzo: Via Matteotti, 146/148
20008 Bareggio (MILANO – ITALY)
Telephone: +39 02 90390002

‍P. IVA : 07184370968
Registro Imprese: Cam. Comm. Milano, Monza Brianza, Lodi
REA: MI1941459
Capitale Sociale: 100.000,00€

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